
Father of the Year!

This was taken back in March. I am kinda thinking this was the last time I did my hair and put on make-up. I was 18-weeks pregnant with Saydee.

Well, lil buddy gave us a slight scare today. She had blood in her stool. I didn't freak out or anything, but it did concern me. Richard took her to the doctor while I went to work out (see father of the year). Anyway, they took some samples and did quite an invasive exam. Saydee was great and smiled and charmed the nurses the whole time, even during "the exam." Apparently, I ate something spicy. She is apparently on a mad dash to weighing 500 pounds. She weighs over 15 lbs and just shy of 3 months. What I want to know, is why do the chubby thighs look so much cuter on her? I have never seen such a cute cottage cheese bum either!!!! (Nope, not talking about mine).


Brooke said...

I love reading your blog posts. They seriously crack me up! I'm glad Saydee is doing well. I ran into your parents at Walmart the other day. How fun that they get to go get Katie from Armania. I hope you are well, lets get together soon.

Shirley said...

Don't you hate that? That's the one thing (out of a few things) that sucks about breastfeeding. Luckily Ryan has done really well with anything except me drinking caffeine, which sucks because I LOVE taking sips of whatever Jared is drinking. I'm so glad you weren't too worried! It's always hard to know what to be worried about with these little ones. I'm glad she is okay. :)

oh and I remember the day you took that picture because you came to visit me when I had Ryan. :) It feels like yesterday. SO crazy how time flies!

Saedi said...

Oh man, I want to see pictures of those cute chubby thighs!!! I'm so glad that everything went well at the doctor!

Laura said...

WAy to go not being scared! I'm with my sister on this one though, your posts crack me up.

The Jacksons said...

She is a little chunker!! Chunky thighs make babies even cuter though, so that's a good thing. :)