
It's Official I am a Mormon!

I just canned about 30 quarts of peaches.....AND about 4 pints of peach pit jelly. Yup, pretty much, I am an official mormon housewife, except that I do work full-time. But that is okay, baby steps right? Nope, not pregnant yet and nope I still have yet to can chicken. I officially feel iniated. It is like a sorority or fraternity - except this is mormonhood and I have passed the test...I am IN! Peaches anyone?


Sheryl said...

Yes please...great job by the way girlfriend...i'll probably never be in if i have to get in that way.:-)

Laura said...

Congratulations! My entire family just canned peaches, and I inherited from their good works! Maybe we'll have canning parties together someday:)

Ryan Oldham said...

I love it that you have canned something. I should totally do that, but I did it once and they kicked me out of the club. OOPS

Aaron + Kayti said...

oh peaches. all your hard work will be greatly appreciated come winter my friend. aint no peaches then.

Ariane said...

Hey, I have never canned peaches, but I do drive a mini van and I have a thousand kids. Can I still be in the club? Seriously, I am so proud of you for canning. I need to learn how!

Natalie N said...

You are hilarious! Great post, and way to go... 30 qts is a lot!

Shirley said...

You are so funny! I want to eat your peaches you canned. They look so good. I should really get some dinner before I eat them off the screen... :). Do you get to keep all those cans yourself? Hopefully Richard likes peaches. :)

Vance Fager Family said...

Congrats and I like Richard's haircut!

thebohans said...

i'm pretty much jealous of you right now. living in idaho and you learned how to can.

Lacey said...

I love reading your blog! It's very comical. I've got to can peaches tonight. You just gave me some energy!