
Spring is KINDA here!

So this Idaho Falls weather thing has been a bit of an adjustment for me. I am sure the summer will be just great, but as for this extremely late kick off of spring, I am going a bit crazy! We just got back from San Francisco from my sister in law's art show and SPRING is kind of here (great trip by the way, that will the topic of my next post)! I took some pictures of our yard. I really should have posted some before and after pictures. You should have seen our garden before Richard worked on it. He chopped down a big tree, raked up about 18 inches of leaves (not even joking), and weeded like crazy. Thanks to Morlin for all the hours of training you have given Richard digging holes....he is now a human rototiller. I can't wait for in a couple of weeks from now when we get to plant our garden!!!!!!

I have learned that Richard is quite the Tulip activist. I wanted him to get rid of all the tulips in the garden (the garden where we will plant our veggies, not the flower garden) and he wouldn't have it. I am glad of glad that he won that battle because now I am enjoying them in all of their glory, even though are very oddly placed.

As for me, I am getting as chubby as ever! I don't have a huge belly yet or anything, I just feel like I weigh 2736 pounds. But, I am so grateful that this pregnancy is going so well and that the baby seems to be developing just right=). I wouldn't trade that for the world.


Laura said...

Your tulips are beautiful! And happy first Mother's Day:)

Shirley said...

I love when you post! :) I love spring and am so sad when it comes and goes so quickly. I feel like we only get like three weeks of spring. I'm excited for your garden. That's so awesome to have your own place to do all of that. And don't worry about getting chubby. When you have your baby, it will all melt off. :)

Nicole said...

I love spring too!!! And your tulips are beautiful!

Ariane said...

I'm glad Richard is a tulip activist. I just ripped out a bunch of my bulbs and I feel guilty.... and I love your baby bump! Too cute. Enjoy spring, IF style!! woo hoo!!

Our Family said...

2736?!? Where on earth did you get that number? Random! haha. Good for Richard, tulips are such happy flower are you crazy? Don't get rid of them!